Py: Levitating Pyramid

Sale price$400.00

The Levitating Pyramid by Flyte

Other Editions: Py
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Inspired by one of the world's greatest unsolved mysteries: the ancient pyramids.


Py: Levitating Pyramid

4,500 years ago, the ancient pyramids were built. Still today, nobody can prove exactly how they were constructed. The pyramidion or capstone is the uppermost piece of an Egyptian pyramid. It is said to be the most important piece that gives the pyramid its actual purpose.

Throughout the centuries, pyramids have been a source of inspiration to artists, writers, mathematicians, and architects. And although we have come far with technology, some things remain a mystery, the ancient pyramids are one of them. So we have captured this mystery through levitation.




Pyramid: 4 x 3 Inches (Approx.).
Base: 7 x 7 x 1.5 Inches

  • Plastic
  • Electronics
  • Wood


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